Our Team

  • Tahnee Klein founder of girls who Rome swimming

    Founder - Tahnee Klein

    Meet our boss lady T. Avid traveller, explorer and leap taker. She has taken herself and her side kick Odie to many incredible places all over Australia & comes with a wealth of knowledge when it comes to planning a trip away. A fish out of water, she is most comfortable in the ocean, with a fishing rod in hand or wetting her gills & moving her fins through some of the countries most pristine reefs.

    Her main goal in creating this space, was to inspire and coach women to take a risk and live the life the truly want. The one that makes their hearts sing & radiate happiness. A qualified Trainer & Assessor, Personal Trainer, massage therapist, Reiki & energy healer, modern day medicine woman, plus an all round legend who quite literally has the time of day for everyone. Her combination is what makes our retreats so unique.

    You won’t catch her without a smile on her face, she’ll greet you with a hug that could save the world & she would do anything she could to help someone in need. She is an absolute inspiration to women all over the county and we are lucky to have her lead us on all the crazy adventures her brain comes up with.

    She’s nuts. But we love her millions.

    Tahnee attends most of our retreats all over, she’s the powerhouse that takes care of everything and ensures everyone is having a ball. If you book onto one of our experiences you are bound to meet her in the flesh & how lucky would you be!

    Instagram @tahneeklein

  • bri Heaney free diving

    Bri Heaney - Free Dive Instructor

    Our resident mermaid. Ocean lover, Thalassophile. Bri comes with an extensive amount of wisdom when it comes to the sea, marine life interactions & sharing her passion with others. When we run retreats, she is our go to instructor to gift you the wonderful experience of being one with the big blue.

    A master in free diving with a side of business savy things, she is a go getter in and out of the water. Her gentle, understanding and vibrant nature are the things we love most about her. Her ability to make everyone feel seen whether they are an entry level or experienced. She shares the same values as we do when it comes to inspiring women to step out of their comfort zones & pushing them to break through their fears.

    Being on retreat with Bri as our water woman is so liberating and fun. If you see her name pop up on one of our collaborative retreats, you better run to grab your spot. She’s kind of a big deal in the under water world and we just ADORE her energy in our team.

    Bri attends all our retreats that include free diving & she is the main event at our Keppel Island Resilience reset retreat.

    Instagram @breeesea 🐠

  • Jessica Johnston with a snorkel mask on

    Jessica Johnston

    Jess, known by her followers as The Flying Diver, is on a mission to reawaken the human spirit of adventure, culture and service in order to realise a true representation of a life well lived.

    After a tough early life (cancer, growing up in a domestic violence home, severe bullying, divorce and so much more), Jess is motivated by a vision for a better, happier and healthier world, and believes that her raw story will inspire many to be left feeling confident to be the change-makers of today and tomorrow.

    Jess is a visual storyteller, taking her audience with her as she flys helicopters, dives our oceans, rides dirt bikes, skydives, surfs and so much more.

    It is through her epic adventures that she is able to use the exposure to put forward her message of love. Advocating against bullying, Jess has spoken at schools and events and is determined to bring a new meaning to the term "influencer".

    You will find Jess shining her brightest with Girls Who Rome every year on our Keppel Island Resilience Reset.

    Instagram @theflyingdiver_